
   Heyo. If you all didnt notice, well, i guess you did, i never update my books anymore and im not really that active in wattpad either. I apologize and, well, bad news, this account wont be active any longer. Dunno, i guess it wouldn't change much since i never really do stuff here anymore but just to give you guys a heads up, this account wont be active anymore. Just want to focus on different things right now. I'm sorry. I'd like to thank you all for the memories even though there might not be much. I just created this account for fun and i never really expected to get any attention. Im sorry and thank you all for being here with me in this account. <3 goodbye


   Heyo. If you all didnt notice, well, i guess you did, i never update my books anymore and im not really that active in wattpad either. I apologize and, well, bad news, this account wont be active any longer. Dunno, i guess it wouldn't change much since i never really do stuff here anymore but just to give you guys a heads up, this account wont be active anymore. Just want to focus on different things right now. I'm sorry. I'd like to thank you all for the memories even though there might not be much. I just created this account for fun and i never really expected to get any attention. Im sorry and thank you all for being here with me in this account. <3 goodbye


MERRY CHRISTMAS BOIS AND GALS! GAYS AND BIs! WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS! How ironic, I'm wearing a Halloween shirt with pumpkins and stuff but it's Christmas  Anyways, hope you get what you want this Christmas. If not, cheer up! There's a lot of things to be happy about so don't let one thing bring you down. Forget all your worries and stuff and smile! Don't fake it either! Drink some hot cocoa or run around the snow! (Which we don't have unfortunately) Cleberate this season with your family and friends. Sure, some of you might not be complete with them but what's important is that you show your love to Jesus and to everybody else. Again, merry Christmas and a happy New year! See you in the next update potato chips! :3