
Don't forget that you are perfect and you are loved!


We're ranked in the following categories; 
          494th in funny, 383 in comedy, 291 in fighting, 129 in paranormal, 34th in action-adventure, 23rd in aliens, 10th in scifi-fantasy, AND 2nd in world domination!!!!  
          Thank you soo much! wouldn't be possible without you! Let's ride this train together!!! Next chapter will be out Friday!


An apology;
          So I haven't posted in a while. Sorry, that should change soon. I should be posting dang near every week, if not for sure every week now. I like to proofread my stuff a couple times and post it with minimal mistakes. I want to make sure this stuff makes sense, and I want to put out a good book for you to read. So from this point on, until the end, if it takes me a little longer to post, its because I'm double or triple checking the work. I hope you enjoy.