
At this point, Cheryl can just keep the body. There is no way that she got that back!we watched it go! If she is that desperate to have it to go far and beyond like that than just let her have it. Wtf is wrong with this show lol !



At this point, Cheryl can just keep the body. There is no way that she got that back!we watched it go! If she is that desperate to have it to go far and beyond like that than just let her have it. Wtf is wrong with this show lol !


I have to go back to school Friday!!! First off, who decided that it was a brilliant idea to have people have their first day of school on a Friday- it was a very dumb idea. Anywayyys I’m upset, I don’t wanna go and I have to wake up at 5 in the morning now. That’s literally the time I go to sleep :,(


Right!- like they expect us to come back to school after it barely felt like summer and be happy. Just give us all our degree and we can move on with our lives 


Dayum we have to go to in person shcool on the 7th like can y’all stop being petty like 
            Add some more don’t be shy add some more days


I broke my foot and it hurts so bad lol. Sucks for me 


I’ve been making her feel guilty all day so that’s a plus 


@chonihealsmyheart me and my sister were playing and I was about to close the door on her but she pushed it and my foot was on the other side so it twisted and smashed down all the way under the door 