Hi, I'm kirsty. I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely loving your books academy island and the unmasking. I was just wondering when you're going to be updating next. Keep up the good work xx
@kjlover32 Hi Kirsty, thank you for the encouragement! Currently I'm working on an update on both, should have them done by this weekend and edited/uploaded by Saturday if all goes well.
See you on site!
Hope you don't abandon The A island I absolutely love it. It is very original and refreshing compared to some of the fanfics out there. It is one of the few really well written stories I check regularly for updates. Can't wait to see what trouble Sang can get into every chapter. Don't give up!
@Lifechallng I won't. Getting a better schedule set up for writting as soon as school starts up, so look forward to more, and thank you for the encouragement!