hi guys ! Im sorry to unpublish the first ff that I made. I really happy with u guys with these few months. I just wrote it because Im stress. Im not saying that Im not stress rn but when I read it , It felt cheesy so, I have to rewrite it again. And I'll try my best to write it. I need to change sth just say the whole story cuz I admit that I copied from some authors I had read their novel. And I felt guilty abt that. So,Im going to write one of my own.
Hello ! Author គ្រាន់តែចង់ប្រាប់ថា author នឹងសរសេររឿងថ្មី ខ្លួនឯង ។ សុំទោសចំពោះការunpublish រឿង mafia|Yakuza មួយនេះ ព្រោះ Author នឹងសរសេរវាសារថ្មី ព្រោះកាលលើមុននឹង author បានយកគំនិត អ្នកសរសេរមួយចំនួនដែល Author បានអានមកសរសេរ ។ រឿងដែល author នឹងសរសេរគឺផ្លាស់ប្ដូរទាំងស្រុង
sorry to all beautifuls who are waiting for my novel T.T y'all always made my days by ur comments >.< Have wonderful days/nights