
hi y'all


@dejongesoldaat Hey, i have most of my lessons together with Jenja. And I have History with Sanne R, Maatschappijleer (I don't know the enlish word) with Inge, and Maatschappijwetenschappen (same reason as before) with Sebastian (and Jenja). When we have a break, we sit still together with our old classmates, most of the time. Do you have lessons with our old classmates? xx


Hey, i have most of my lessons together with Jenja. And I have History with Sanne R, Maatschappijleer (I don't know the enlish word) with Inge, and Maatschappijwetenschappen (same reason as before) with Sebastian (and Jenja). When we have a break, we sit still together with our old classmates, most of the time. Do you have lessons with our old classmates?


@Chriiistaaaa I'm pretty good. School is fine but it makes me really reaaaaally tired. Haha math tests are just terrible!!! My exams last week went pretty well... ;) My classmates are a little bit... weird just like me so I love it:D Which of our old classmates are still in you classes?


@dejongesoldaat Heyy, im fine! How are you? Is everything going okay at school? Everythings goes fine here, I failed one test, maths (what a suprise xD). You had your exam week last week, hadn't you? Did it went well? And do you have nice classmates? I have no idea why I said it all in English, but its fine :)