
Almost got hit by a car for the fourth time. By the same person (^_^;) 
          	My mom is so nice to my sister and I, right? (°▽°)
          	But then again it's my fault for not making her food when she told me to. (*´・∀・)
          	I feel bad about that.


Almost got hit by a car for the fourth time. By the same person (^_^;) 
          My mom is so nice to my sister and I, right? (°▽°)
          But then again it's my fault for not making her food when she told me to. (*´・∀・)
          I feel bad about that.


I don't love my parents nor do I want to. There is no but or what if. I might have wanted to, but they way they treat my sister and me makes me sick. They would buy my oldest cousin and her kids presents every single day for 4 years, but all my sister gets is a puzzle? No, that doesn't sit right with me. They say we have no money. So what so do they do? They buy my cousin gifts. But on our birthday we get one present that we have to share. I can't wait for when I graduate from high school. I'll get a car, an apartment for 2, and enough money to keep my sister happy. We'd travel anywhere she wants. I just have to wait. 


I hate finals. It's so difficult that when I actually have free time I have to do assignments to bring my already decent grades up. I have 84 in most of my classes but since I couldn't finish all 11 projects in 2 weeks I failed most of them and it made my grades even worse. I really hate school with a passion and that makes me feel upset since I used to like it. School was fun until the kids started thinking that they're adults and can screw around and not get in trouble. The teachers don't even care, if you're good at something then good for you, you're set for life. if you fail at everything you may as well just drop out. My counselor told me once that I should stick to singing since that's the only class I don't seem to fail. I told her I wanted to get into Psychology. Way to make a freshman feel welcomed.


Imagine being stuck in a classroom for 2 hours because some dumb kid thought it was a good idea to bring an actual weapon to school and still wasn't caught until after a student told an administrator. Teachers are searching our bags everyday for atleast 3 more weeks now, and still didn't know a student snuck in through a back door? 
          And then none of the teachers stopped to think,"they've been through too much today. I Guess They should get an extra day on catching up with all these assignments I'm giving them." Yeah, no. I still have to finish seven more projects in two weeks. I couldn't turn in my four math projects that were due today since I kept studying for a test in my other classes. Which I still failed.
           ( ´_ゝ`) Yeah, sometimes I think that God is against me.
          Imma go cry now (*^▽^)/★*☆♪ 
          There is nothing I can do to make the math projects I just failed any better. ( ;∀;)


@Spi4er the kids who were in the same room as the kid with the weapon were scared, but in other classes, kids were just screaming, dancing, singing, and even laughing. They made so many tiktoks. I was nervous the whole time. ( ´_ゝ`) 
            I felt bad for my friend since she was stuck in the same room as the kid with the weapon. She's fine now but she was scared once the police came in and investigated the whole classroom.


@ChrisIsSadQwQ I hope everyone’s ok


I fall in love easily and that's dumb. I saw this guy walking with his mom, I think he goes to my school. Anyways, I heard him talking and dang! I almost passed out right then and there. He was cute and had a deep voice. (´ー`).。*・゚゚
          I hate how easily I like someone (((^^;)


          I officially hate school. Well, more like my teachers.
          Who let's a girl be called names and get inappropriate jokes thrown at my sister and me? My substitute, that's who. He sat there and watched a someone a year older than me call me so many things but didn't even think to stop him, and then he takes my book as if I didn't pay my hard earned money on it?
          (*^▽^)/★*☆♪ yeah, I'm so gonna off myself once I get back to school on Monday. 
          My parents are gonna complain cause he said some very er- Sexual jokes to my LITTLE sister and me. (((^^;)


And then he has the guts to even make fun of me not knowing alot of Spanish! He kept on saying "oh I have 1% Puerto Rican in me and I've none spanish since I was born." That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, who says that?! I didn't know spanish properly because I was born in AMERICA! The place that gave me so much trauma for being Mexican ( -`Д´-;A) then he has the audacity to be friendly