
Hello, everybody! I have the first two installments of my "Info About My Comic Books" book out! I had to make two parts, because Wattpad only allows you to have twenty photos per chapter, and I had fourty! Please feel free to check it out, and comment!


Hello, everybody! I have the first two installments of my "Info About My Comic Books" book out! I had to make two parts, because Wattpad only allows you to have twenty photos per chapter, and I had fourty! Please feel free to check it out, and comment!


Today is Jon Bon Jovi's birthday! He is sixty-three, today. Here is the song of the day. This one's for you, Jon!


Hello, guys! So, one of my first shitposts, "Skank Hill: Trust And Betrayal" Hasn't picked up much traction. It's a parody of King Of The Hill, and I think it could be a hit, if it got some reads. Would any of you guys like to read it?❤❤❤❤❤