
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!


          4 hours ago
          Good morning everyone. As you know, Wattpad was bought and they are planning to make changes to the app. 
          If or when that happens, I'll be backing up my fanfics and make them age appropiate. And if not, I go to other sites like AO3 or NeoBook.
          But there is some good news. A petition going on to go against this. It may not be much but with enough votes, it might work. Here is the link.

          Go on it and give your vote.
          Also they allow you to voice your opinion on the matter. If you want, give your reason as to why the changes must be rejected. 
          Once you have done what you've needed to do, spread the word to others and tell them too so they can do the same.
          Thank you and enjoy your day.