We've done it! After such a tedious amount of editing and constant second guessing of the readiness of the book, we finally published Arrival - Cycle of Ruin! This is my first e-book ever published and I would be lying if I said I didn't have second-thoughts in hitting that release button. The fear that your book isn't quite ready and it still needs some minor adjustments is always there, but at some point you just have to say enough is enough, and hit 'publish'. A special thanks to Mike Waitz from Book Butchers for going above and beyond in his line edits, I wouldn't have felt nearly as confident in releasing my work without your help. If you're ever in need of an amazing line editor, I highly recommend and will link to his personal site down below. Getting into the release itself, Arrival - Cycle of Ruin will be having a 5 day kickoff event where you can download it for free on the kindle store starting today, and leading on into Saturday. Feel free to download and check it out here; https://www.amazon.com/Arrival-LitRPG-Cycle-Ruin-Book-ebook/dp/B09M884J7Q/ Michael Waitz Editing; https://sticksandstonesediting.net/