
I'm happy I finally got this one off my chest.


Okay so I just added a new racy piece to my sensual book "Cheatter's Tales," It's called, "Black Box," And trust me guys you don't want to miss this one. It's gonna be........ YOU WANNA READ IT. I'm uploading this story piece by piece. It's a longer story than the others but it will be worth it."


Okay so last night I sat down and added two stories to one of my books. Been super busy but I'm updating and adding stories now. I really hope you all enjoy it.
          Head on over to Cheatter's Tales and check it out.... I promise you its and exciting and engulfing couple of stories. Will let you know if I add to any other books.


hey everyone I am super sorry it took so long to get this part out but now it is out had wifi problem....but now i must apologies for any errors. but please enjoy the new part i added more coming soon. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING. I know it need a lot of work when I get time I will edit.


i can't stand to think that i have been neglecting Wattpad I am so sorry you know sometime people get caught up and its only when they are taken away from the madness do you truly see how mad it really was...... i am going to work on some updates tomorrow i promise there will be something for you guys to read......


Well its raining cats dogs and even pigs here in Trinidad I'm sure its the same in our sister isle.....Rain rain and more rain. But on the bright side , kind of, at least its not hot. Go don't make it flood, power outage is enough.