
I am currently rewriting my story Teaching The Player, I didn't like where the story was going so I'm going to change it.  If you haven't read it yet then you'll be seeing the new product for the first time. I really hope you like when I put the beginning up.


Kak izin numpang promosi cerita pertamaku yaa 
          Ayo bantu dukung aku melalui cerita pertama yang aku buat ini! Tanggapan dan saran kalian akan sangat membantu ku untuk mengembangkan cerita ini menjadi lebih menarik dan fantastis!! Nantikan kisah cinta remaja yang redflag dengan latar high school
          Ayoo bantu ramaikan karyaku yaa!! Sekalian baca karya ku yang lain juga boleh bangett!!
          Jangan lupa untuk klik follow, vote dan komen saran/apresiasi kalian tentang cerita pertama dari author newbie inii, terimakasih


I am currently rewriting my story Teaching The Player, I didn't like where the story was going so I'm going to change it.  If you haven't read it yet then you'll be seeing the new product for the first time. I really hope you like when I put the beginning up.