Woah, it's ages ago since I last logged in! Hi everyone, we're not dead :D Just a short message for all of you: thank you sooooo much for your support, lovely messages and above all, for staying with us. We're truly horrible, letting you wait for almost a year!
Let's make up for that: if you have any suggestions, any oneshots you'd like us to write, please let us know, and we'll write them for you! I'll talk to Sarah about it, 'cuz we're both quite busy, but I'd love to write some more (cuz I haven't fangirled about Christalan in ages!) and I don't want to dissappoint you with yet another month of silence.
So, if you have anything you'd like to read, just let us know, and we'll try to have it written and updated within a year ;) (No, just kiddin', we'll try to upload asap)
@Christalan_Shippers is back in business!