
its been awhile since ive been  on here


Qoutes from my fav anime show Sword Art Online
          Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito):
          "You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world."
          "No matter what my heart will be forever yours and I will fight until the day I see you again."
          "Real pain is the result of losing someone you care about."
          "I'd rather die with someone than let that person die before my eyes. More so if she's a girl like you."
          "No Point in wondering who someone really is, all you can do is trust them and accept them for who they are. Because the person you come to know is who that person really is."
          "Id rather Trust and Regret, than Doubt and Regret"


Official Qoutes from Stand By Me:
          The Writer: [typing on computer] I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?
          The Writer: [referring to Chris] Although I hadn't seen him in more than ten years, I know I'll miss him forever.
          The Writer: [voiceover] It happens sometimes. Friends come in and out of our lives, like busboys in a restaurant.
          [ Sad qoute from Stand By me:
          Gordie: Why did he have to die, Chris? Why did Denny have to die?
          Chris: I don't know.
          Gordie: It should've been me.
          Chris: Don't say that.
          Gordie: It should've been me.
          Chris: Don't say that, man!
          Gordie: I'm no good. My dad said it. I'm no good.
          Chris: He doesn't know you.
          Gordie: He hates me.
          Chris: He doesn't hate you.
          Gordie: He hates me!
          Chris: No! He just doesn't know you. ]


Stand By Me is still one of my most favorite movies.