As many of you know, my husband was recently released from four and a half years of wrongful conviction in our battle that has now lasted for more than a decade of my life. It has been such a blessing to have him home with me, and we are now gearing up to continue that age-old fight. They don't want to concede that they were wrong. There are also no programs provided to people wronged by the U.S. legal system in our state. They just dump you back out without so much as a sorry - in our case, it's more of a "Enjoy it now. We're still coming for you." Fortunately for us, there is an amazing family of exonerees and innocence projects across the U.S. who have been through this as well. This year is the first year my husband will have the chance to attend as an exoneree. If we can get there, he'll get to meet other men and women facing the same battle of coming home with no government support or compensation, who have also been dragged back to court time and time again in the battle for their lives. If anyone is interested in helping us make it to this amazing opportunity next month, I've set up a fundraising page here --> No matter what, I thank you to all of you who have extended kind words and compassion as I have shared this part of my life. Your kindness gives me hope.