I want a hopeless romantic. One that will kiss me in the rain. Dance with me in the kitchen light. Pinch my hand every once in a while to see if I'm there. One that will treat me like a princess and makes me feel like a queen, and one that will watch me with happiness like I'm the only thing he wants.
But let's admit it.
In the end everyone ends up alone
Guys I've been on wattpad for two years now! Reading ~ 700 books and trying to write one my self! I just get really excited! I started wattpad on my Ipad - before I got my phone - and was obsessed. And yeah it kinda distracted me from school. But I wouldn't want it any other way because wattpad made me how I am, and I'm really happy about who I am.
~ Christine
Alot of people just block me and then I put a really funny comment in their book and it wil be deleted i dont know if people block me or wattpad does because of cursing but it's annoying the crap out of me