Wishing you all a happy new years from England. May the new year bring you prosperity.
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Wishing you all a happy new years from England. May the new year bring you prosperity.
Wishing you all a happy new years from England. May the new year bring you prosperity.
Well the cherry on top of a fantastic week had finally just happened. Anyway you may notice that I’m missing one of my very popular stories, Perfectly unhappy together. Yeah anyway I just got a message from Wattpad, it’s been taken down since it didn’t meet with their policy’s, why it’s only causing a problem now since the books been up for several years now, but what can you do right. I do have an option to contest this ruling but I’m just not wanting to have to deal with all that, besides I never really post my stories on here anymore. However the book is on AO3. Account Name: Christmas25 Here you will find not only the book but all my other works as well, I have around 22 stories. So if you want to go over there and check it out, then by all means please do. Once again I’m sorry, but it’s not my ruling I’m afraid.
@Norrayforthewin you appear to be right. I can’t find myself either. Try this link. It should take you to one of my stories and there you can find my account. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37538683/chapters/93694273
Hey so I’m not gonna make this long, but I really wanted to discuss what just happened to me with all of you and give you a warning. Last night I went to bed and nothing was wrong, little did I know how close of a call I would have. I woke up to an awful smell, from my conservatory, I’m greeted to is black soot, EVERYWHERE. Covering all the windows, the doors, the furniture, everything. And the charred remains of one of our solar generators. We’re still not sure what happened but a wire had essentially caught alight and burnt one of the generators and wires surrounding it. We had a literal fire and we had NO IDEA, why? Because we had one fire alarm and it was broken. I can’t even begin to convey just how luck to we were, in that conservatory we had paper, cardboard, wood and styrofoam not to mention tons of other flammable objects. Thank god none of them caught alight otherwise I’m not sure I would even be here right now writing this. The firefighters said we were so lucky, and it could have been much worse, only some scorching on the stone. But anyway I can’t stress enough the need to make sure you keep your fire alarms in good order or if you don’t have one, please get one, it very well could one day save your life. I was always ‘this would never happen to me’, but it did, from now on you can bet I’m going to make sure that my fire alarm is in good condition and also buy another one, one fire alarm is not enough. Another tip, if you have any loose wiring get it looked asap, one spark is all it takes. I know I sound pushy but I don’t want any of you to go through what we went through, I mean the firemen were very blunt on just how lucky we were, like a real one in a million chance.
I love your stories about the addams family. And wanted to ask if you where ever going to update “nevermore? What’s a nevermore?” I would love to read more ❤️☺️
It’s a terrible day for the film and TV, the honourable Dame Maggie Smith has passed away aged 89. She graced our screens for years with her wit and charm, her two most iconic roles to me is that of professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter franchise and the dowager countess in Downton Abby. She is a woman who I was always admired and who could command a room just with her with and humour. May she rest in peace.
@Christmas2580 What a beautiful dedication, I'm absolutely crushed and devastated by this news. Maggie Smith was so integral to my childhood, I still can't believe we'll never see her again. One of the greats of the silver screen has been lost today.
Well thought since I can’t sleep I’d make a post, it’s currently 1:19am on the 19th of September and I’m officially 25, and honestly I’ve gotten to the point were I’m just not that exited anymore. I was exited for my 16th, 18th & 21st but after that I have sort of just lost the excitement. Halfway to 30 really and still single. Honestly I actually forgot my birthday was coming up, it was only after my mother asked me what gift I wanted did I remember. Anyway I doubt anyone will even read this, more like this is the rambling thoughts of someone have an early midlife crisis LoL Let’s hope by next year I’ll actually find a good relationship. Here’s to a good 12 months of being 25.
@Christmas2580 I'm glad! It's definitely hard, but I have hope for us both. Sometimes life is hard, but I like to think that we'll look back and be grateful for the lessons learned during this time.
@Antoinette_II I did have a good birthday though, mum took me to London for the day for afternoon tea.and then I convinced her to check out a jazz bar with me which I’ve always loved doing. So it didn’t turn too bad.
@Antoinette_II I appreciate the birthday wishes, we’re both in the same boat, I too have seen people I went to school with having babies, or even having their second child. And yet here I am, and I’m ashamed to admit that did start making me start pushing for a baby. I guess I got the thought in my head that everyone was having baby’s that must be the right thing to do. But then I thought to myself if I was in the correct headspace to bring another person in the world, was I even ready for the responsibility of a baby both emotionally and financially. I’ll admit I still do have my thoughts about having a baby when I see all the baby posts from old school mates. It doesn’t help that every year I get older and I haven’t made any progress with my life’s still living at home, my longest relationship lasting 7 months, moving from temp job to temp job barely making minimum wage. It’s so easy for people to say we should go and enjoy our lives that we should go travelling or do something or when they were your age they already had a house. With what money, all the cheap house we’re all brought by big companies and sold for double.
Hi, I know it's been a long time and you're probably really busy being an adult and all. But I was wondering if you were going to finish your Addams Family Values book? It's so hard to find books with these themes, a polyamorous Morticia and Gomez and I just loved the first one so much! If not thats fine, I don't want to pressure you. I was just wondering
I am so sorry, I just skipped to the a/n to see if there was an update but I see it was already finished. My bad, have a great day!
Could you make an addams family story with the original three couples but they're younger and they meet alchemy in Jericho? And she still has pubert
I am a bit under the weather right now so I don’t when I will post plus I also an E my other work but I promise you I will definitely get something out for you, Iva already written the start and have a good idea on how this will go.
Sounds interesting, however I’ve already got a multitude of stories I’m currently trying to work on, so how about a one shot instead. Perhaps the three of them could meet at nevermore, i may have an idea brewing for this.
Could you make a sequel to your Addams book?
I have thought about it but right now I’m currently working on another story but maybe after I Finnish that story I’ll do a sequel, I just don’t like writing more than 1 book at a time otherwise it won’t have my full attention. But I’m glad you like the story, the Addams family is one of my favourite Halloween movies.
Hey guys so I don’t know if your seat but Wattpad took down my reaction to fantastic beasts I had also started writing COG which they also removed so I’m not going to take the risk of them being deleted again so if you would like to read COG then go on FanFiction.Net and why username is Ilookhotinblack for I will be posting on there for a while. Please spread the word.
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