
"Reality is fracturing. Only Claire can fix it... if she survives. College can't prepare you for everything.” Percy Jackson Vs Werewolves Vs. Cthulhu--Get the 1st book in the Wolves of the Tesseract series FREE today!


Hey, I read your article on google about dreame... And please, can you explain to me how you post your story online and how you signed it on amazon?


@ChristopherSchmitz can't find the indie author's bible 


@SplashElegant anyone can get their stories on amazon. you should check out my book The Indie Author's Bible or read through the helpful articles on my blog read the comments in my blog.


Hi, Christopher. I recently just read your article about Dream. I got the exact same offer as you and I’ve got a few questions. 


@ChristopherSchmitz is it my understanding that they basically want the rights to your book? And that it’s pretty shady?


Dreame* not Dream.


Thanks everyone for the support and reads on my SF, Dekker's Dozen: The Last Watchmen. It's going to be free on Kindle for 5 days starting on Sunday, so grab it there, too! and I want to let you know that I am currently working on more in the DD series. There are currently 2 prequels released and I'm working on #3 RIGHT NOW!


Hey friends!
          I just got the word that two of my books are finalists for the Christian Indie Awards. It'd be awesome if you guys could give me a vote and any kind of social media traffic. They run a publishing blog that is one of the top blogs that I encourage people to follow. The voting website is and voting is only open through February.
          My humor book, John in the John, is in the Devotional section (about halfway down). Also, my other book is the last entry on the page before the submit votes button, a nonfiction book titled Why Your Pastor Left (which is near and dear to my heart) and has some good reviews, being out for a little while now: give it a look over at Amazon.
          You can check out John in the John at Amazon as well and if you want, I have an automated system that sends out one reading every day from the book (plus extras.) Check it out here 
          thanks everyone!


I know that most of my followers have found me through my sci-fi, Dekker's Dozen: The Last Watchmen. I wanted to let you know that there is a NEW Dekker's Dozen story out, now: Weed's of Eden. It is available for free for anybody who signs up for my author's mailing list... just pop your email in here: 
          also, my speculative fiction novel Wolf of the Tesseract is free on Kindle for TODAY ONLY, and it's already in the top 40! go grab it here:
          (sorry for the double-post... my fingers were click-happy and deleted the original)


Good story! I was hoping if you can read mine and give me some pointers 


@mrdream86 if you're looking for some pointers, I'd strongly suggest following my blog and perhaps look at my newest author's help guide here: