
          I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for reaching out like this, but if you have a moment, I would be grateful if you could take a look at my book. As a new writer, your support means a great deal to me. I can assure you that the story concludes with a happy ending. While there will be conflicts, rest assured there are no misunderstandings, cheating, or other negative elements. If you do read it, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
          Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


          Hope you're doing great. 
          Sorry for barging in your conversation board. 
          If you're accepting reading requests, then do checkout my new story, Bridging Hearts. It's a multicouple story. 
          Your votes and comments would be highly appreciable. 
          Thank you and sorry for taking your time. 


•Hey Hii This is Niya.
          •If You have time do check out my story and if you liked do add it to your library and leave your review.
          •It would help me a lot.
          •[Dark theme, Politics based drama, Mature content, lots of suspense, arranged marriage love.]