
"Fact #691: You seem to always hit the place where you have already been injured.
          	Fact #692: The more you pay for an article of clothing the less you wear it.
          	Fact #693: Everybody is weird. It's the normal ones that stick out.
          	Fact #694: Thos who say they don't fart, wreak of lies.
          	Fact #695: Time flies when you're listening to fun.
          	Fact #696: The Spanish word for wife is the same as the Spanish word for handcuffs.
          	Fact #697: The last light switch you flip on the panel is always the one you needed.
          	Fact #698: Sitting in the middle seat of an airplane will make you have to use the washroom 3x more than usual.
          	Fact #699: Everything you read on the internet is true.
          	Fact #700: Imagination works at it's best in the shower.
          	Comment and tell me which was your favorite Useless Fact!"