Allright Folks! Let's settle down the ground rules!
First thing first, Goddess of Chaos, Dana, Sopholos, and anything else i may have mention has been postponed indefinatly. I may pick these projects up someday in the future but I just can't keep promising an Idea that started out in 2014 and I can't keep lying to you about the progress. So yes, there was no progress, I was writting myself into corners for years and now I admit it. I am sorry everyone.
Secondly, I have decided to work on two separate projects that I had in mind:
Blue Medicine
and a Contemporary Fantasy which I call Age of Chaos
New Chapters of Blue Medicine will follow a "When it's done" approach in order to get the best of my content and writting out. Age of Chaos however is going to be posted on Saturday. This is in order to keep up with a pal of mines other work, Reconstruction of the Stars, Which he will post someday here.
Does this mean Femzilla and her Dragon crew is dead? No, they'll be around but I can't work on the next "Sequel" to it because they naturally feel a bit out of place. It's like E.T. , The first one is good but a sequel would ruin the point of it all. But here's the thing, I can promise that there will possibly be a Kaiju Remake in the future, which aims to fix and reimprove the story a lot more properly. It will come around as soon as I have made good progress in Age of Chaos and Blue Medicine. I can hope this story will be as good as the original (Hopefully)
So what now? I feel the need to write something to establish this fantasy universe and its rules. I'm sure this is a bad idea but I feel that this is necessary.
Well that will be all the update for now. I hope this whole news thing has cleared up any confusion.