
people still use wattpad?  i thought everyone that was on here for 3-5+ years would've moved on to ao3 by now because of all the ads and paywalls here but apparently not
          	i hope y'all are doing okay
          	if you're still interested, i am mainly on ao3 now
          	my user there is @/Jaegerx
          	i occasionally write genshin impact, haikyuu and whatever else my hyper fixation allows me to do


people still use wattpad?  i thought everyone that was on here for 3-5+ years would've moved on to ao3 by now because of all the ads and paywalls here but apparently not
          i hope y'all are doing okay
          if you're still interested, i am mainly on ao3 now
          my user there is @/Jaegerx
          i occasionally write genshin impact, haikyuu and whatever else my hyper fixation allows me to do


this message may be offensive
how do people not know what punctuation is?????? im from germany so my punctuation and stuff isn't perfect, but STILL?? how do people not know when to stop??? just PUT A FUCKING DOT, ITS NOT THAT HARD, ITS RIGHT NEXT TO/ABOVE THE SPACE BAR


quarantine really is getting to my head
          god i just noticed that i don't feel like writing as much as before because i'm trying to stay off of wattpad as much as possible,,,, even though there are literally hundreds of other platforms to publish my writing, I'm still sticking to wattpad 
          ah i hate it


@DianaFrostYT thank you so much ;-;; *internet hug*


*internet hug*