
Hey guys, sorry it's been forever since I last updated, I dug myself into a bit of a hole with the last chapter and had no inspiration for the next chapter, and then had no time to even write. However, now I've got both writing inspiration and time so hopefully a new chapter will be up soon :) Thank you for bearing with me!


Love your profile pic! Always wanted to ride on the beach:D


@scubahorse what that's horrible! we can just turn up and wreck havoc.


@Chrysalex in Florida you need permits and you have to pay high fees. It is very complicated 


@scubahorse thank you! yes it's so much fun.


Hey guys, sorry it's been forever since I last updated, I dug myself into a bit of a hole with the last chapter and had no inspiration for the next chapter, and then had no time to even write. However, now I've got both writing inspiration and time so hopefully a new chapter will be up soon :) Thank you for bearing with me!


i'm sure you'd get good at English if you keep at it-nobody's good at anything straight away, and practise makes perfect :)
          I've always wanted to try western, but sadly never have had the chance and i'm not motivated enough to go out and try it properly-maybe something to do in the future :)
          and no, I actually didn't fall off! I was pretty close to it but managed to save myself haha-though i'm glad he didn't put his head down or stop running! :) x