
Posted 15 chapters on My Favorite Avengers pictures, check it out if you haven't yet


I really need a good Harry Potter crossover right now because all I keep seeing is percy jackson as voldermort's grandson, harry is suspicious of him & really no offense but they're quite boring, halfway through I just find no interest, I want a story where percy jackson knows of the wizarding world & a pro at magic, I found one & it's the best out of all of them & I thought to myself "this is what I've wanted for the longest time"


          I was wondering if you know of anyone or yourself who writes fanfictions for
          7 - Twilight (M)
          5 - Game of Thrones (S)
          4 - True Blood (S)
          3 - Descendants 1&2 (M)
          1 - Vampire Academy (M)
          2 - Diabolik Lovers (A)
          2 - Snow White with the Red Hair (A)
          2 - Kamisama Kiss (A) 
          4 - Gokusen  (D)
          4 - The Wallflower (A)
          1 - The 100 (S)
          1 - The Boy (M)
          5 - Shadowhunters (S)
          Shows (S) or Movies (M) or Anime (A) or Dramas (D)
          The # is the amount is the amount of ideas i have for each,


            Twilight: Go to @Hime_Chan10 or
            @insaneredhead, they're amazing
            Descendants 1&2: Go to @SamanthaErwin
            Game of Thrones: Go to @Patagonian, she only has one  story but she's incredible
            Diabolik Lovers: Go to @Nanami-sakamaki, she makes a lot, like literary a lot
            That's all I kinda know about so sorry if it's not much but I hope you enjoy their stories, BrittanyHamm19