
I'm finding it very difficult to motivate myself to write nowadays. Not exactly sure why. I always tend to write slowly, or, more accurately, in infrequent bursts of creativity, but they seem to be getting further apart. 
          	The section of my latest chapter is giving me a lot of trouble. It's a complicated dream sequence so that's understandable to some extent. I don't know if these messages reach anyone but I would appreciate anyone willing to allow me to bounce ideas off of them.


I'm finding it very difficult to motivate myself to write nowadays. Not exactly sure why. I always tend to write slowly, or, more accurately, in infrequent bursts of creativity, but they seem to be getting further apart. 
          The section of my latest chapter is giving me a lot of trouble. It's a complicated dream sequence so that's understandable to some extent. I don't know if these messages reach anyone but I would appreciate anyone willing to allow me to bounce ideas off of them.


I've released chapter 7 of The Courage of the Cowardly Soul: Things I Did Not Understand (The Most Essential Problem)
          Hopefully whoever still receives these messages will be interested in checking it out and giving me their thoughts.


I've finished and released both parts of chapter 6 of The Courage of the Cowardly Soul: The Remembrance of Amalek. 
          I'm not sure if anyone reads these updates, but I'd really appreciate any thoughts you have on the chapter, or any of the book. I've been experimenting with a new style in this piece, so I'd like to know if it works for people or not.