
@JohnGunningham Thanks a lot for clearing that up for me. I've been pondering the story all day. It makes a lot more since now.


Thanks for the comment on Life Plus, I appreciate it. Not sure why but the comment isn't showing up on the story, but whatever. Got the alert and had to track the message down through a different feed :S Just to clear up the confusion I was trying to make tiers like subscription levels. So the more you can afford the better your virtual expierence and the better the 'stretch' - basically tricking the mind into thinking it's lived longer than it has, thus emulating immortality. 
          The one character is working for life+ company but instead of money, he's being paid in subscription time. Basically because so few people want to live outside the virtual expierence that the company has trouble finding real people to work their systems in the event of their automation failing. 
          I know some of that wasn't super clear, I'm still trying to figure out a better way to approach the subject.
          Anyway, thanks again for reading and see youa round wattpad.