
Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna unpublish hollow to edit it with more chapters added and publish it again in 10383920 years pls don’t expect to much, my attention span has not been doing good lately as you can tell.


Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna unpublish hollow to edit it with more chapters added and publish it again in 10383920 years pls don’t expect to much, my attention span has not been doing good lately as you can tell.


I literally just read hollow and PLEASE continue it. I'm so invested already. So, please?


Im so sorry! I just saw this  I just never check my notif’s (im sorry ) and yes I will continue with hollow but as for now I’m kinda stuck on where the plot is going. I have to figure that out first. But I’m probably going to rewrite it soon since I didn’t like how fast it was going. So yeah.


I’m sorry. But I won’t be updating any of my stories for the whole month of November, since I’ll be going to Mexico for a wedding on the second week of October for three weeks. But I’ll still be writing I just won’t be publishing them just yet, just until I’m at the airport.
          I hope you understand. See you soon ^^


you* i can't type hsjhsjshsj


It's okay~ Please take care of yourself and stay safe!! See yoy soon :]