
i would love some comments for a new update i need to know how my readers think


Jake could says something like "I thought u wanted me to have a Luna? Someone to rule beside me and provide u with grandkids." The response can be simple son I wanted you rule with someONE it doesnt need to be a Luna (a girl). I simple want u to be happy with ur life and if he makes u happy then so be it. Beside who am I to go against our goddess? All in the father tells his he screwed up big time and he best better make amends with his mate if he wants his mate in his life. The hunt is on and how long it takes for him to find his mate is up to u but I say enough so that event that Jake has matured also enough time to allow Carlos to grown into whatever it is u decided to add be it powers or something else
          U could have the father be happy he rejected his mate but Im against this b/c a father should want his son to be happy regardless of what it is that makes him happy. And if feel the need u can add in mpreg that way the bloodline doesn't end this would debunk all remarks to his mate not be able to provide him with a hier. 
          Well I hope my thoughts help u out in big or small ways. If I think of anything else I'll definitely share it.
           Went pass the limit again


To expand more so on Jake (since very little is known about him u can take a number of different routes) you can have his self confidence be low making him easily swayed by either his father and/or pack. His father wanting him to find his mate so could have his "Luna" and hand over alpha to his son as well as giving him grandkids basically peer-pressure or this pressure could from the pack (u can even do both) which from the reading is particularly a homophobic pack. This could even be why he picks on Carlos b/c he jealous of how confident he is. Basically he admires Carlos more than he should hence why he bullies him. He figures if I can break him these feelings will "go away." But Carlos doesn't break making Jake feeling grow more so. Basically he gets in a feud b/w his head and his heart; his heart saying to accept his mate and be there for him; his head saying reject him before anyone else finds ruining his reputation. Being the stuipd teenager he is he rejects Carlos who "shocking" accepts the rejection and leaves the pack with his sister. From here u could have his father be disappointed that he rejected his mate who was chosen by the Moon Goddess for him (we dont know if the father homophobic). 


Done ranting about what I like bout this book. Next I'll add in some suggestion (shocked no one has posted any here for quit sometime) 
          Carlos wolf should be in all sense a "white" wolf meaning he should be powerful if not more so than an alpha (not saying he has to be white just using it as an example)
          U should add little things here and there that hint and/or show Carlos true self this to other people b\c a person can only take so much sitting down
          As to Jake (or Jack cant recall) there 2 things u could: A have him reject Carlos then maybe Carlos takes up Aboa and runs off to find somewhere better to live OR he could stay and see the alpha in secret (but I dont see that working b/c of Carlos character) and obvious B accepted him and face off against the homophobic pack 
          That all i can think of right now in the short time I have before I need to be somewhere
          Went over the limited 


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Just read ur book must say I'm luving it. Bad enough that his mother died but to be blamed for her death is just sadden as well as disappointing on the father and older brother side. Instead of coming together they decided to play the Blame game. I like how in the few chapters so far we've seen that Carlos has a great character. He doesnt fight off his bullies (probably could kick their asses too) b/c he definitely could but that cause more problems not just for him but for his younger sister Aboa. Same could be said for his abusive father he could beat the shit out of him but again that would cause more problems then it would fix. Furthermore to distract his father from trying to rape Aboa he makes up lies that he knows will take his father's attention off of his sister. He willingly takes the beating just so his sister stays safe and innocent. He lost his mother what when he was 8 or so and he like 17 or so now, so that means he went through at least 9 years of beat downs just to broke his sister. Let's not forget that he a street fighter as well who fights to provide for himself as well as for his sister. I imagine the first few fights he was a bloody mess. Instead of breaking/cracking under all this pressure and heat he is instead becoming a diamond.