
Guy, I'm probably not going to publish my official book on here. like I said It's Okay... was a draft and it's taking forever just to get thing situated for that. Things have been crazy for a long time and I just wasn't happy with the content I put up which is why I decided to make it a draft and overall take it down in the end.


Guy, I'm probably not going to publish my official book on here. like I said It's Okay... was a draft and it's taking forever just to get thing situated for that. Things have been crazy for a long time and I just wasn't happy with the content I put up which is why I decided to make it a draft and overall take it down in the end.


I took down It's Okay... To be 100% honest I'm glad because I kept promising new chapters and never got around to writing them. So with that being said I am working on the rewrite and that will be my first published book, however if I decide to post those chapters you would have probably notice that the stories are very similar because It's Okay... was a draft and wasn't going to be the official book 
          I'm so sorry that you guys haven't had an update since august but I make no apologies for putting more important things first with all of this being said I hope every one has a safe and happy holiday.  


So sorry guys, but editing was pushed back a month and just being honest here it more than sucks. I had a whole plan but it's all out of whack now which I will continue to apologize for because it wasn't my intention to be gone this long but before I start writing chapters again I want to already have some edited for the official book. Not to mention school but we are all human so please try to understand but for now I'm not releasing a time stamp for when I start uploading again and it to stressful to try and maintain a certain deadline. Again I apologize.


Wow, it's been forever since I've been on here updating and just communicating in deepest apologies things have been beyond hectic for me, but, I still read all of your comments and there is so much I still can't tell you because it's not all ready yet. I promise as soon as things slow down to where I'm not in over my head I will get back in the swing of things. I'm literally anxious to tell you guys these HUGE announcements... that's right there is more than one, just stick with me and don't give up on me and I promise there will be a HUGE rewarding outcome. Once, again guys  September is a busy month for me and there is not much I can do about it, the book is being carefully edited by chapters so that's it beyond perfect for all you beautiful people. Thank you, a thousand times over for understanding I am m,ore than appreciative of that believe me. Making absolutely no promises here because I don't want to let ANY of you down I will TRY to put up some filler for you guys.
          XOXO, Chyna


I have some bad news.... I will not be active and updating for the most of the month. I might put up filler chapters for you guys but I'm also trying to finish the rewrites to It's Okay... Please try to understand.
          Thank you.
          XOXO, Chyna


I would just like to say that It's Okay... is not an official book but I'm working on it. Please note: I uploaded all the unofficial chapters so far which means that when I edit the entire book chapter by chapter Wattpad will not be able to read it, due to the fact that I'm trying to get It's Okay... published. But do not worry you guys will have the uncut version, and that is for your enjoyment or whatever you like. August has been a busy month so in advance I would just like to say I'm sorry for any missed updates.
          **IMPORTANT** Although, I am homeschooled I still have school work that I have to get down in a timely manner so as always if I am sick, or busy, or I plan to get more work done for that said day I will let you guys know ahead of time if I'm not going to upload.
          No matter what you choose to do, make sure it's what you love, make sure make sure that it's your passion.
          XOXO, Chyna