Wow, it's been forever since I've been on here updating and just communicating in deepest apologies things have been beyond hectic for me, but, I still read all of your comments and there is so much I still can't tell you because it's not all ready yet. I promise as soon as things slow down to where I'm not in over my head I will get back in the swing of things. I'm literally anxious to tell you guys these HUGE announcements... that's right there is more than one, just stick with me and don't give up on me and I promise there will be a HUGE rewarding outcome. Once, again guys September is a busy month for me and there is not much I can do about it, the book is being carefully edited by chapters so that's it beyond perfect for all you beautiful people. Thank you, a thousand times over for understanding I am m,ore than appreciative of that believe me. Making absolutely no promises here because I don't want to let ANY of you down I will TRY to put up some filler for you guys.
XOXO, Chyna