
Sorry about the delay with the next chapter, but it will be posted this weekend! And for your patience I will be uploading the next two!!! Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoy! :)



Hi!!! I took such a long hiatus from Chosen. and am a little nervous how the latest chapters mesh with the previous ones and if the transition has been smooth for readers! Chapters 15-23 are the new ones and I would love any feedback or comments/critiques that you may have to help! Thank you so much for reading and hopefully you are enjoying the story. The new chapter will be posted this weekend  :sparkling_heart::sunny: Love & Light!!!


Have you felt a restlessness and you don't know why....been feeling like you want answers to something, but don't know where your supposed to look and for what??  Do you just feel different lately in many areas of your life and there really is no underlying explanation....don't ignore what your feeling
          If this clicked with you, you might want to read the article in the link posted below because it could be time for you to wake up to what's really happening in the world around you.....

          And if your not ready to wake up from the dream of this physical world, I hope you can find peace and light in something until the time is right for you!


I wish we would all pull together and change our ways before a work like Chosen. isn't considered fiction....

          Climate change and our impact on this planet is real. How many more species have to be wiped out before we realize this is an ecosystem that needs more than just the humans to survive???

          Blew my mind once again HBO, by exposing some of the lowest scum walking the planet, in my mind. Psychology is my area of study, and yet i'm still shocked everyday by the behaviors of these individuals, especially when it is practically sanctioned by our legal system!! 
          I don't know if there is truly a humane way to kill anything....but you watch the process the Wiles farm deems necessary to kill their downed sows and tell me what you think.
          I think I could find a place in the budget for a bullet.