
@Pjbunny oooo what's that about? i prefer action, shonen manga :)


Are you still active? :) If you are, it would be great if you'll edit my story "Once Upon A Raindrop" I need your help to make my story more interesting and funny. :) Thank you so much xx more power and have a nice day :*


@SkyDancer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! is this rlly happening?!?!?!?! -faint-
          to be honest, i have fantasized about u dedicating a chappie to me XDDDD AND U 
          DID!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHH!!!!! SUPER HIGH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          -faints again and drools- its super nice of u :))) like u rlly talk to ur fans!!! :DDDD
          THANK YOU!!! NO.1 FAN ALL THE WAY!!!! -superman pose-