
Hey, everyone. So sorry I haven't posted any new stories in so long. Life kinda got busy for a while. But, the good news is, that I'm back! I'm only focusing on one work right now, Ember's Glow. The first revised part just went out, so keep your eyes peeled... I should be publishing a new part every 1-2 weeks.


Hey, everyone. So sorry I haven't posted any new stories in so long. Life kinda got busy for a while. But, the good news is, that I'm back! I'm only focusing on one work right now, Ember's Glow. The first revised part just went out, so keep your eyes peeled... I should be publishing a new part every 1-2 weeks.


OK, peoples I need your help. Tell me which story YOU think should be updated first...please.


I'll think about it


You should make a sequel to Tree Branch in Randomness


Hello, my people's. After nearly a year, I am back. I apologize for this horribly long absence, but I can promise you that I won't be going anywhere for a while.
          So, with that being said, I will be working on updating the stories that I have up, adding more to the collection of randomness, and posting some new poetry in the next few weeks.
          How is everyone? Anything new you would like to share? Or any questions or comments about something you've seen posted? Please let me know, either here or through PM. 
          It is now time for me to say goodnight and talk to you all tomorrow...


Has anyone ever noticed how weird it is to spell obstacle? I mean, if you say it out loud, it sounds like the a should be an i...just a random thought.


Yeah, superfluous is a hard one. And you're welcome for the votes, you deserve them. :)


@Ciara_Lockhart Oh yeah XD
            I don't know how to pronounce superfluous though...
            Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all the votes <3


Your poem is so AMAZING ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I WISH I COULD WRITE POEMS THAT WELL I just started writing poems so your poems are rrally inspiring ♡


@royadaydreams Thank you, this means a lot. 
            And just FYI, it has taken me about five years to get this good.
            Writing is nothing but improvement.


Hey, folks! So, in case you haven't noticed there isn't a cover picture for Ember's Glow. I was wondering if there is anyone who is tech savvy and willing to help a friend in need... :) Message me if you have any ideas. PLEASE :)


You're very very welcome, darling.


@hopelessly_broken Thank you, S. I just received the cover and it is amazing. I will get it up there asap.
            Thanks again, luv. 


Kay! I never saw this! I could!