
Chapter two, 3000 words, yipeeee


Recently finished some edits to chapter one to make it less of a mouthful around the end, I realized I had repeated a lot of words over and over in one paragraph making reading it aloud sound a lot more awkward than intended, there is a lot less "wolf" now. Chapter two is in progress


Chapter One is OUT! Five thousand five hundred words. Considering this was one of those chapters where I really didn't have an exact plan in mind, it took a little longer to finish than I would have liked. I do have a good idea of what exactly I want for chapter two and three as well, I'll try and start writing chapter two soon!


Another thing I'd like to mention, the man in the prologue who is blessed/cursed by Conquest's name is Taupe Simone. He also gets gray hair at a fairly young age, if you don't know what Taupe means, it's a shade of a sandy gray. While Taupe's name is fairly straightforward, the rest of the character's names will have meanings to their personality or role if you care enough to google them. For instance, have some names of some characters right now. Amada Reselda and Uilliam Dillion. I also wanna give characters Latin or Gaelic names (for the most part) because oooo fantasy and olden times ooo funny


Call of the betrayed chapter one is in the works, obviously i want it to be around as long as a normal chapter in a book compared to a usual "part" in a wattpad novel. Im at around 2,500 words so far and I havent even gotten to the main part of the chapter yet so expect a good bit of reading compared to the much shorter prologue. ALSO, call of the betrayed does sound like a cool name in retrospect, but in reality it doesn't have much to do with the actual story. The old name was "Possession of Hope and Hatred" but it favored one character much more than the others that have since been added from the many concepts of the original cast of the overall story. For the few readers so far, would you rather "Possession of Hope and Hatred" or a better suited title for all the characters and events in the story?