
After I made my Yaoi book I discovered hetalia... and all I did for the cover was search yaoi and choose the cutest smuttiest (without getting too crazy) and most subtle cover... I now realize that it's Spain and Romano which is now one of my OTPs... somebody help


*gets a notification sound*
          Me:what the heck is happening at 2 in the morning *checks* new follower but why I'm a loser who doesn't update *checks their account* so much hetalia and lietpol so it must be one of those two things
          ......and that is a story of what i did a few minutes ago...anyway hi


After I made my Yaoi book I discovered hetalia... and all I did for the cover was search yaoi and choose the cutest smuttiest (without getting too crazy) and most subtle cover... I now realize that it's Spain and Romano which is now one of my OTPs... somebody help