I see

I see my door, I see my house, I see the neighborhood, the city, the world, the sky, stars as far as the eye can see. I envision suns hotter than a thousand, no, a million gold particles colliding into each other, but the temperature lasts far longer than a second, I see rocks orbiting other rocks, colliding into each other as though they were bound to come together, as though it was their destiny. Planets implode, explode, become new, become old, in the blink of an eye, all of it just another step in an endless cycle. Galaxies become larger, and overcome others, in an endless turf war, until one encompasses all, until all is nothing, and nothing is all. Black holes eat up all we see, until we see no more. All the places we will never see burn up in an instant, all turning to the same universal shade of complete and utter destruction. We sacrifice much to let others live the way they do. Most fail to see the beauty and terror of the greater universe. Do not speak our name. Do not speak of our existence. We die in the dark so you can live in the light.