          	I promised in my Discord server the next chapter would be out by this weekend and here I am posting it because it turns out sometimes I'm not flaky.
          	Good luck.


I have arisen from the grave! I have an extremely messy and rough but completed version of the next chapter sitting in my docs right now. It needs some serious finessing before it's ready for posting, but I am hoping for some time before the end of the month! Don't jinx it, but also let's all keep our fingers crossed lmao
          Friendly reminder that I have the small Discord server. It's extremely chill and informal, and not super busy, so if you want to chat (about the story or anything else) it's there for anyone to come join. I say stuff there sometimes, we talk about nonsense, and there is art-sharing and sometimes teasers for the upcoming chapters, as well as slightly more regular updates on progress!


Hey all! As I work at the pace of an ancient continent breaking apart and becoming several separate continents, and considering that Wattpad has recently removed private messaging, I've decided to make a little Discord server! This is mostly so that we can chat about my story (the gay merman one and any future stuff I will work on), but there is also a general chat, a writing chat for anyone who is also a writer, and a reading channel for anyone who wants to talk about what they're currently reading.
          I'm not expecting it to be very populated or busy, however I hope to expand it as needed, and I will also occasionally post updates as I work on chapters! You can join at the link below, which is only active for 7 days. If you'd like to join the server after 7 days, just let me know and I will issue a new link :) I'll also plug this whenever I post my next chapter.


@Ciphertext Let's gooo! See you there :3


Just throwing this out there, if anyone uses Goodreads to track reading progress, book ratings, etc, I have been reading a lot this year and I read a lot of LGBT fantasy/sci-fi if anyone is looking for recommendations! Give me a follow and a shout so I can follow you back :)
          Currently about to get stuck in to a contemporary gay vampire story with lots of drama, by the sounds of it, you can see me comment my thoughts in real time


Cipher do you plan on making a story for the Watty's?


@Spurs-fan-Angeli Definitely not haha. I don't do competitions or deadlines or anything like that because I cannot be disciplined enough for deadlines and I'm also a sore loser LMAO. And the Watty's don't really interest me. I think the last time I entered was probably back in like 2011 when I was still new to the site and it was pretty much a popularity contest more than anything. Not for me haha


New chapter at last! I am a flaky writer, but eventually stuff is produced. Go read, leave comments, vote, etc. This chapter is the exact opposite of a lot of fun but there's still an enjoyable moment if you like to see bad people get kicked in the face


@Ciphertext YAHOO! 
            *Reads chapter* 
            uh oh


Hello again all, I'm so sorry cause I'm not getting notifications on the app at the moment, and also things just keep going from bad to worse RIP. After/during all my car drama, my mum got really sick and had to be hospitalised for a while there, it was looking really scary for a bit. Thankfully she's OK now, but literally every week a New Bad Thing is happening istg I caught that AO3 fic writers curse somehow even though I've not written a fanfic of anything for years :[
          Still dealing with a few less than ideal stresses but things are looking to be calming down next month, maybe then I'll actually have the mental capacity to write something!


@ Ciphertext  oehh sounds rough, hope things calm down a bit! And the notifications are just terrific. I just got this one and this was posted like four days ago, like whattt. Anyways we'll wait! Take your time<33


@Ciphertext miss you girly but take all the time you need. <<<333


@Ciphertext The AO3 writer's curse is everywhere. Stay safe, and you can take as long as you need to, we can wait.