
Started a Tap account with a new Crush x Reader hope you enjoy!!!


Omg I have 50 FUDGEING FOLLOWERS!!!!!!! You guys are so amazing and awesome like AHHHHHH!!!! I don't know what to say....I'm actually speechless....or in this case typeless. Typeless?? That's. That's not a thing. Oh well I'm making it a thing. But what surprises me the most is WHY!?!?! WHY DO I GET FOLLOWED BY SUCH AMAZING PEOPLE?!?! Can- can you please tell me in the reply section? I'll reply back like I did last time ^-^ I love talking to you guys as well. I makes me feel like I have freinds!!!...That makes me sound sad...jesus...sorry. That was a little bit depressing...OH WELL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS....but don't go to London on Christmas.... Doctor Who fans understand...
          BUH BYE FUTURE~


You have GOT to be Shih-tzuing me right now...25 BLOODY FOLLOWERS!!! I practically do nothing! The only time I did something was when I wrote the Armin x Reader Oneshot (which, if it sounds like your cup of tea, should go check out...shameless promo) AND THAT'S IT!!! 
          But let's be Sirius for a moment *Changes into a big black dog* *changes back* I just wanted to do that....anyway! That number of people is astonishing to me seeing it's a quarter of a hundred people who liked me enough to follow me! But I now this makes want to know...why do you follow me? 
          Leave it in the reply section and I'll reader them and maybe I'll reply to your reply in the reply section.
          Any way that is it Future and thank you so much for this QUARTER - milestone heh get? Because is the quarter of a hundred and heh...yeah OK I'll stop now.
          -Bye Future


@iDarkStormyNight First of all cool username. Second of all I never thought I would appear that way to some one! I'm the kind of girl who sits at the back of class and hope I could go to hel- I mean home early....thank you this means so much XD


@Cookieraven I follow you because you are a person that I'd like to be myself. :3 You're that cool :3.


Well holy mother Teresa on the hood of a Marsalis Vence, thanks for 10  followers like holy shittttsu (you thought I was gonna swear didn't you) how? How did this happen? You guys are awesome, and also could have been extremely lost on Wattpad. But seriously thanks.
          Oh and shameless promotion, I just uploaded a story (I know about frickin' time) so if you like Attack on Titan, Armin Arlert and One shots then this is for you. Any way gonna go now. 
          -Bye Future 
          P.S. Your in the future from my perspective when you read this.