
Just posted chapter 2 of a new Contemporary Romance. For all you gals out there who know how hard it is to juggle kids, marriage, and careers!


Hey, I just finished Shadow weaver and it was absolutely breathtakingly mind-blowingly awesome. Thanks so much for putting it on Wattpad. 
          I have a question, though. So how come Prince Jakut had a sketch of Mirra and her little brother in his book even before they met? Before he saw her at the hybourg


          I noticed you said you were British in your introduction to Shadow Weaver, and me being me (I'm American, btw), I felt like this would be a cool chance to learn something new. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions.
          What are sone of the biggest differences that you've noticed between our countries? Are the oceans warm over there? Do you drink coffee or tea more? 
          Personally from what I've seen online, we're pretty similar, but British are usually a bit more laid back. We have a lot of warm sunny coastlines here, like California and florida, and we drink A LOT of coffee. (Though not me, because I think it's bitter)
          Anyways, thanks, and have a good day :)


@MoreThanCinders   oh, ok. That's really fascinating. I've never left the US. Are there alot of tourists in France?


@MoreThanCinders Hey there! I've actually been living in France for the last 20 years and I've never lived in the US so I couldn't tell you the difference between UK and US. The difference between the French and the English would be a little easier for me--though still not obvious. Hard to group a whole nation under a couple of descriptives!


Hi guys. I’m sorry to say there’ll be no up date today. My 14 year old spilt water over my computer and im currently seeing if I can get it repaired. Hopefully I can find a way to save shadow weaver book 2!!


@Vyranshere Hey! thanks for your in depth response. Yeah, we learn our lessons the hard way. Computer was dried out and working again. I have most stuff saved to an external hard-drive but I'm not very organised and there's always stuff I forget. Thanks for the advice.


@Claire-Merle what kind of computer is it? You could just order a new keyboard on line.   When something like that happens just unplug the keyboard unless its a laptop computer. Then you need to let it dry completely. Always turn off your computer right away. So you don't get a short. Pull the battery out to if a laptop computer. Take the computer a part to air dry it once the power is off. I take laptop apart all the time to fix them. Water is the best thing to spill. It not sticky and drys really fast. You can wipe the keyboard with a towel to soak up the water. Then put a fan on it to dry completely. It takes a few days. Hopefully nothing shorted out. You can always replace the hard drive and put it into another computer to save all your work. I hope nothing is lost. Hopefully your child learned his lesson not to drink anything around a computer. The lost can be very expensive and its not worth taking any chances on the computer. Hope everything can be saved. I have a back up harddrive with 5 gigabytes