First thing you gotta know about me: I absolutely LOVE a good cheese. And by a good cheese, I mean all of them. 

Second thing: I love writing fiction in all its fantastical forms -- novel, short story, poetry, flash fiction, etc. I get an idea, I roll with it. My main squeeze is a novel called "Quest for the Blue Rose", but I usually have a few other irons in the fire, such as my current short story "The Untimely Death of Mrs. Crumplebottom".

Writing's a fun, exhilarating challenge, I've always loved doing it, and I've been told I have a knack for it. "Quest for the Blue Rose" will be completed by August 2016, and I hope some intrigued agent will scoop me up and take me to new heights.

Can't get enough of me? Check out my Wordpress!
  • Flagstaff, Arizona
  • JoinedDecember 4, 2015
