Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been on in quite some time (I've literally died when I realized how long it's been). Basically what has happened during that time is that I have been trying to finish my last year of school before I decide to go to University (yeah I'm all as heck). So through having a pre-mid-life crisis and stressing about leaving school I haven't really had time to write during this period. However once I graduate year 12 (in a month and a bit) I shall be releasing new chapters, new stories (yeah I have a problem), and messaging all you wonderful people back.
Now school hasn't been the only thing keeping me away from writing, I've also had some trouble with personal thing's, but don't worry about that 'cause I shall be back as soon as I can! Hopefully you all understand and that I haven't let you all down. I'm sorry about this, it's been a stressful year and I am ready to get out of school and continue writing and making you guys all laugh again.
I love you all, and hopefully you all understand, ~Caitlin x