
When all your ideas for the next novel hit you all at once. I’m so excited to start writing it!!! I haven’t been this excited since Full Speed Ahead! 
          	I can’t wait to share this with you guys one day 


Hey I just finished a quarter mile away, and while reading it it seemed really familiar, and I realized some one had fully copyed your book all the way down to the biker barbie like full on, I thought Id let you know. I don't remember the name of the person tho! I remove books from my library after I finished them hahah but anyways it was a good book :)


Hey, thanks for letting me know. It’s a shame you can’t remember who they are so I could report them haha. If you come across it let me know. It’s a good thing I’m changing it up for publishing purposes. Thanks so much for liking it! 


I read Loving Jake Tate years ago and absolutely loved it! I hope you're still working on it!!


Hi honey! I’m actually going to revamp it up. My writing style has changed soo much over the years, but I’m currently working on a publishing version for A Quarter Mile Away, then I’ll start revamping LJT! 


Heyy, I apologize for the intrusion and I know you have better things to do but I was wondering if you could drop by to read my book, it's a fantasy book based on witches, vampires, werewolf and everything monstrous and unnatural, I would really appreciate if you could give this book a chance. Thank you!
