
And with "The Four" Aetherial Tides is finished. The story has been fun to write and I will continue to edit and change the wording of chapters starting back at chapter one! I hoped you all who have read it have enjoyed my first propper story, thank you for being there!


And with "The Four" Aetherial Tides is finished. The story has been fun to write and I will continue to edit and change the wording of chapters starting back at chapter one! I hoped you all who have read it have enjoyed my first propper story, thank you for being there!


This is a quick note to say Aetherial Tides is nearing completion just a handful of chapters and Leki's ordeal will be at an end! These last few chapters will take a while because I want the ending to be enjoyable and if I can help it not cheesy so to all you who have stuck with the story thank you! Eternal has awoken and the end is on its way...


Aetherial Tides is slowing down a bit in the run up to exams but don't worry it shall be finished! I also have an idea for a new story in the works called 'Deus Terra'. I may release a taster of it some point soon!


WOW! Not even a day since my first thank you and I've already reached 102 views for Aetherial Tides. I am truly amazed so thank you all! I personally wasn't sure if the story would be good enough but apparently at least 100 of you have bothered reading it (how many of those read and hated it I don't know.)
          All I can say is: Ta!


Just a quick thank you to the 59ish people who have read Aetherial Tides. More will come (and as a side note, if you wish to comment that would be great, I'm always open to new ideas)
          I'm amazed that so many people have bothered to read my story so...
          Thank you!!!