Nickname - Jewel
Gender - Female
Not Shiny
Species - Poliwag, the Tadpole pokemon
Hatching Date - November 15
Level - 45
Moves - Mind Reader, Water Pulse, Dig, Mud Bomb, Wake-Up Slap
Ability - Swift Swim
Highest Stats - Special Attack and Speed
Nature - Bold
Personality - Happy and cheery, loves to talk and make friends. Shy at first, but really opens up later on.
Special - Wears a Mystic Dew around her neck.
Other - Her eyes are the color of the rainbow, they change color based on mood. Pooch has been her best friend since they were younger.
Nickname - Pooch
Gender - Male
Not Shiny
Species - Poochyena, the Bite pokemon
Hatching Date - October 25
Level - 43
Moves - Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Dark Pulse
Ability - Quick Feet
Highest Stats - Attack and HP
Nature - Brave
Personality - Nice but yet mean. Cares about others but doesn't show it. Acts a little stuck up and proud.
Special - Wears a blue and black bandana around neck.
Other - Jewel is his best friend since they were younger.