

I just listened to Demi Lovato's song 'Dancing with the devil'. I'm a huge fan of Demi and listening to the song broke my heart into a thousand pieces. If you haven't listened to the song try it, it dives into Demi's struggle with drugs and her fatal overdose in July 2018 that almost took her life. The lyrics are painful to listen especially when you know somebody who has undergone the same. And the video will just make you cry, I just hope she overcomes her demons and comes out triumphant at the end.


@Blushrose9 yeah, the song is the best... 


@Clantyg I love this song soooo freaking  much, and the documentary made me cry...


@fuzziec awwtbh babes, Demi is such a sweetheart, how come she is not your fav?


Haven't posted any new chapters but I'll be back with new chapters next week. I'm gonna use this week to read all the books in my library and edit venomous love because it has come to my attention their are many errors. I will also doing some research for my new book which is an historical fiction.