
CHAPTER 17 is up!! going to try and keep the momentum and post the next one in a few days!!


so I wrote a Stydia (Stiles Stilinski X Lydia Martin) Grey's Anatomy AU cross over on AO3 because they are my two favorite shows of all time and I've been wanting to for a while. If anyone wants me to post it on here I may but I might just keep it there for now. 
          Anyways that's what I've been up to the week instead sorry! I will be starting chapter 17 of Ungodly Hour tomorrow.  If you are into that kind of thing and wanna check it out here's the link. I didn't post it on here just cause I didn't think there would be that big of an audience interested in it on Wattpad vs AO3 since it is so specific. 


updated all my chapters to be a bit more "screen reader-friendly" I definitely don't think they are perfect so I am so sorry if they are still annoying to read on voice-to-text! 
          Sorry also if because of that you got a billion notifications saying they've been updated I don't actually know what Wattpad tells people when I post edits.
          My goal is to post chapter sixteen by tomorrow morning!! 
          Love you all♡ so many of you have been so kind I am so thankful! ☺️