Hi Clare, welcome to Wattpad! My real name's Jazz, I use Jasper on here so I can keep my fiction work in a different SEO profile to my media/copywriting work (don't want business clients googling me and finding weird undead adventure novels, basically).
Thank you for checking out Sex and Death in Skeleton City. I'm looking forward to reading the work you have up. Is it going to be an ongoing novel?
I'm not sure if you're brand new to Wattpad or not, but I just wanted to say, if you are, hang in there! I'm new myself. When I first signed up I wasn't sure if I was going to be comfortable here. There are so many books that seemed so far away from what I was interested in, and the quality of some of the very popular books/writers seemed questionable (at best).
If you've noticed the same thing, don't despair. There are a ton of really decent writers on here and it's a very friendly, supportive community.
How have you been finding it so far?