I just want to thank everyone reading Doe Hollow for making this writing process such a positive and exciting experience. I can't believe I already broke 100 reads in my first week, and I can't express how much I appreciate each and every one. This story means so much to me for so many reasons, and I'm immeasurably happy that several of you have had such a positive reaction to it. As a female veteran with PTSD myself (though not nearly to the extent that I describe in Doe Hollow), I felt that this was a story that desperately needed to be told. Our society focuses so much on the effects of PTSD on male veterans and their families, but barely seems to acknowledge its effects on us female veterans and our lives and families. It's heartening to me to see you follow and react to Abby's struggle with her illness and her interactions with her family and friends. As well as her romance with James, which I know is highly idealized, but hey- this is fiction after all. ;) Just thank you all, so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I don't really know how this message board works, but I hope everyone can see this and know how much I appreciate you all. <3