
For All My Followers,(esp. for hadiya's (about)


A secret is that its a secret,
          So i can't tell you the secret because it's a secret!!!
          The secret cannot be told as its a secret so is a secret.
          But,i wan't to tell the secret as it's a secret but i can't tell the secret.So keep it a secret....
          ("Thus,it's the begining of my story")!!!!


You’ll find in this post the best book quotes presented as images, so that you can easily share them on social media networks.
          "A real book is not that we read,it's one that reads us."
          "The books we read answer queshtions,we didn't know even existed."
          "The book is not the thought which it contains but the thought which it suggests."
          "We read books to find WHO WE ARE?"
          "The power of a book lies in the power
           to turn a solitary act into a shared vision. ##There is no such thing as too many books. And there is no such thing as too many ways to promote books ##!!!!!!