
Okay guys I am seriously sorry to all u awesome people who read my stories but for some freakin reason the internet on my file on the computer is not working and hasn't been for a while so i can't do anythingwith my stories, but anyways i'm gonna upload real soon on Scarlet in Wonderland cause I'm writing down chapter 6 and then typing it into word on my brothers file and then uploading it so just stick with me here!!!
          	Cookies and milk for everyone!!!


Hi, not sure if I've been here adverstising before sorry if I have but not many people have read the story still so..... The story is called Superheroes, Conspiracy’s, Lies and the many other things in what is Unfortunately my Life and instead of telling you what it's about here's a small part of the newest upcoming chapter that will be posted soon...hopefully that will get people reading. 
           She sat huddled in a corner in the back of the dimly lit cell, her brother and two friends next to her asleep but she unable to rest with the fear hanging over her head that should she close her eyes then they would never open again. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as if that somehow would drown out the tortured screams of the other children, the agony and pain that filled them made all to clear in their  tortured screaming and shouts  during the final hours of their lives. A sudden noise from outside startled her. Raising her head she slowly opened her eyes and immediately regretted the action as she was met with a child around her age of about three so highly deformed that you could no longer even determine their gender anymore ramming them self into the bars on the cell door.
          	“Run…run….run away before they get to you……..” The child let out in a voice that was less human and sounded much more like an animal growling before, to the absolute horror of the girl, the child’s skin seemed to began to almost melt as foam formed at what was left of their mouth and they collapsed onto the floor into nothing more than a pool of some sort of liquid. She knew she shouldn’t, she knew that it would have unbearable consequences, she knew that Sam and the others had told her not to let anybody know or suspect that the formula had still yet to affect them in the way it had the others or had yet to still even show any sign of doing so…but not even the devil himself suddenly rising from the gates of hell and ordering her not to wouldn’t have stopped the shriek of terror that ripped through her lips. The second that the shriek had left her mouth everything that happened seemed surreal, almost as if she was watching from outside her own body as a guard came up shining a flashlight into their cell, as he yelled for somebody named Theodore to come saying that there was still at least one alive, the ominous sounds of a key turning in the lock and of  iron bars scratching the bricks on the floor as the door was opened, sending a cloud of dirt and grime into the air that made the girl cough and choke as the guard’s hand reached out for her…… 
          A loud scream ripped from Serafina’s throat and echoed across the walls of the mansion as she jolted upright, holding on with a death grip to the old tattered blanket on top of her, she was covered in a cold clammy sweat and shaking uncontrollably. She blinked rapidly several times, darting her head from side to side not even remembering where she was at first. However realization settled in soon enough and she let out a shaky breath upon finding herself on the old worn out couch in what they had assumed was the old family room.


Okay guys I am seriously sorry to all u awesome people who read my stories but for some freakin reason the internet on my file on the computer is not working and hasn't been for a while so i can't do anythingwith my stories, but anyways i'm gonna upload real soon on Scarlet in Wonderland cause I'm writing down chapter 6 and then typing it into word on my brothers file and then uploading it so just stick with me here!!!
          Cookies and milk for everyone!!!