
@IWannaBeWithJhutch Yes I am! Clato is my THG OTP. Just sayin.


Hey, I don't know if you will see this, but I'm cleaning out my room to move to college and I just found a manuscript of about 6 chapters of The Invisible Silver Lining. It is addressed to me (my name is Grace) and has your contact information on the back for feedback (your wattpad account, Facebook "clato died, I cried" and your email). I'm just reaching out to you cause I don't think I ever did give you feedback (there are notes in the margins in my handwriting) and I'm really confused as to how I own this. Your name doesn't ring a bell to me and I must've somehow known you in real life to have a physical copy. I know this probably sounds super weird and maybe even fake, but I'm just looking for answers about this random manuscript in my desk drawer. Please reply here or PM me. Thanks!